Sinus Symbol
The Sinus symbol is being used to bring unbalanced energies back into a harmonious and healthy energy flow. It is also called Reverse symbol because of its reversing effect on an unhealthy condition. Therefore, we cannot use it as prevention. If applied on a healthy body it may create imbalances, because it reverses the current state.
Sinus Symbol Combined with One Line
The Sinus or Reverse symbol with one line is used for stronger healing impulses.
It is used to treat strong imbalances. The line enforces the power of the Sinus symbol. It is suitable for older children and adults. It may also be applied on babies as well as young children if the Sinus symbol on its own does not show the desired result and a stronger healing impulse is required.
Sinus Symbol Combined with Two Lines
The Sinus or Reverse symbol with two lines is used for severe imbalances.
This is the strongest Reverse symbol combination in the New Homeopathy and more commonly used in adults than children. The two lines enforce the power of the Sinus symbol even more. It is not normally used for young, sensitive or frail people.